The ke interrelated because you need all of them to start and run your own business. first of all, you have to have the product which is what you are going to sell. then you need a way to get it out to your customers which is distribution. your also have to figure out a way to sell your product. then you have your marketing information managment which is gathering up all the information of your business and and it could help you run your business better and most likely make more money. You have to have financing so you can get your business up and running. You are also going to have to figure out a price for your product that cant be too high to the point where people dont even want to buy it because they cant afford it, and not too cheap to where you dont make any money off of whatever you are going to be sellind.The last thing you are most likely going to need is promotion which is how you are going to get your product and business know. This could be done by advertising and things like that, anything to make people know about your business and make them want to buy your product.